I am appealing to you to be vigilant, please!
Mrs Farmer has noticed that someone has been in the school carpark over the weekend on the past few Mondays. Entry to the school site, other than the field, is not permitted and the gates are locked. If you do see someone in the car park, can you please let us know.
The field is open for public access at the weekend and outside of school hours. When we converted to being in a Multi-Academy Trust this was something that the governors and I fought hard to keep. However, the right to use is comes with clear rules which are displayed at the entrance. One of the rules is that dogs are not permitted.
There was a large amount of dog mess on the running track this morning. This is used by your children everyday and cost £10,000 to install.
If you see dogs on the field, please ask the owner to take them off and let us know so that we can ensure your children do not play in areas where there is dog mess.