If the meteorologists stays true to their word, it is set to be a beautiful afternoon for our sports events next Friday 13th May!
You are warmly invited, along with any other family members, to come and join us for an afternoon of tea, cakes and sports activities! The activities will give you the opportunity to watch your children take part in non-competitive events and will be fun and accessible for all children.
KS1 activities will take place at 1.00pm – 2.00pm and KS2 from 2.00pm until 3.00pm. You are welcome, as always, to come and support the children for as much or as little of the event as you wish. You are welcome to bring a seat or deck chair if you like.
We will be selling refreshments throughout the afternoon. In the interests of sustainability, please bring your own mug/ lidded cup for a drink.
Tea - £1
Coffee - £1
Squash - 50p
Muffins (double chocolate, chocolate chip or blueberry) - £1
Jam Tarts and chocolate mini rolls - 50p
Monies raised will go towards equipment we are buying to extend our offer of sports clubs in September, so please bring plenty of change.
Once the events have been completed, the children will be taken back to their classes in order to gather their belongings. Once this has happened, if you have attended Sports Afternoon, you can collect your child from the same place as usual. If you have only attended the KS1 event you will be permitted to take your children when their event finishes to save you from having to go home and come back again.
I would really appreciate some help setting up, selling and serving refreshments. We could have a small team of KS2 parents to do this for KS1 and then visa versa.
If you are able to help, please drop me an email - head@langar.notts.sch.uk