We have had our latest delivery from The Book People who have the following on offer -
13 Storey Treehouse Collection - £10
Gruffalo Sound Book - £7
Cake Family Calendar - £ 5
Secret Nottingham - £4
Joe Wicks 30 Minute Cook Book - £8
Let's Pretend Christmas - £6
Polar Express - £5
How Money Works - £5
Light Up Photo Clips - £5
Nail Art - £6
My Carry Along Stories (10 books) - £10
RHS 2019 Diary - £4
Task Clips - £5
A - Z of Dinosaurs - £6
Dear Zoo (4 board books) - £6
The items will be on display in the outdoor classroom at the end of the day. If you wish to make a purchase, please come to the office with your payment in either cash or cheque (payable to The Book People). The order will be delivered on Monday 15th October and distributed via your children or kept for collection in the office if requested.