School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School


I need to put out a reminder about time keeping as we had a high number of parents and children congregating at the gate this morning. There were also number of children left waiting to be collected this evening at 3.30. This is unacceptable as this eats in to the time that staff have to plan and prepare for the following day. 


Please adhere to the time slot you have been allocated, collect your children from outside classroom doors and leave the site promptly. In doing so you are supporting us and the plans we have created to mitigate to spread of the virus, and in turn, resume life beyond lockdown. 


Start of Day

8.40AM Group 1 Surnames – A to J inclusive

8.45AM Group 2 – Surnames K to P inclusive

8.50AM Group 3 – Surnames R to W


End of Day

3.10PM Group 1 Surnames – A to J inclusive

3.15PM Group 2 – Surnames K to P inclusive

3.20PM Group 3 – Surnames R to W


If you struggle with these timings, then please consider booking your children into Out of School Club by contacting Emma or Donna on 01949 862995.

