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Langar Church of England Primary School

Transition Events

We are now at the point in the year where anyone outside of education assumes we are 'winding down' and wrapping up the current school year. Anyone who works in education knows that this is the busiest time of all as we continue with the day to day with the additions of writing reports, whilst thinking ahead and planning the coming year. As you can imagine, following our experiences over the past two years, this is done with trepidation!


There are some plans I can confidently commit to though. The first of these being the class structure and teaching arrangements. 


Class 1 will continue to be taught by Mrs Richardson and will remain a single year group - reception -  class.


Class 2 will be separated into year groups for the teaching of maths and English every morning Monday to Thursday. Mrs Turner will teach year 1 and Mrs Mills will teach year 2. Mrs Turner will teach the whole of class 2 in the afternoons Monday to Thursday and Mrs Mills will have the whole class together on Fridays. 


Our key stage 2 classes will remain the same, with Mr Zisauk-Gibson and Mr Owen-Jones continuing their current roles. 


It is with sadness that will be saying goodbye to Mrs Nicholson at the end of this term. She has been a wonderful addition to the staff team and has had an incredible impact on the children; showing flexibility and commitment during lockdown when she took on the role of Key Worker provision as well as stepping in, without hesitation, when Mrs Tuner was absent. We do hope to stay in touch, as she has become a real friend of the school who will be missed. 


Tomorrow children who are moving to a new teacher and classroom (current reception, year 1, year 2 and year 4) will have an hour in their new setting and an opportunity to meet their new teacher. The other year groups will be taken for activities with teaching assistants during this hour. 


I have carried out a risk assessment to ensure this is safe to do so and we all feel that the very small risks are outweighed by the benefits to the wellbeing of your children. 


1.30 – 2.30 on Tuesday 6th July  

Current Year Group  



What? Suggestion Only 


Mrs Richardson and Mrs Petchell   

Field or Zoom if the weather is poor (in class 1)

Teddy Bear’s picnic  


Mrs Turner 

(Mrs Sellars) 

Class 2 

Storytime and ‘getting to know you’ activity  


Mrs Mills

Langar Room 

Storytime and ‘getting to know you’ activity 

Mr Zisaruk-Gibson 

Class 3 

Storytime and ‘getting to know you’ activity

Mr Hall 


Games/ PE 

Mr Owen-Jones 

Class 4  

Introductions to class 4, introducing themselves – q and a  

Mrs Lark  

Quiet area/ outdoor classroom  

Writing a ‘welcome to class 4 letter’  (use clipboards) 

Mrs George  


Completing PSHE transition activities 

