Staff have completed two inspiring days of training and we are looking forward to welcoming you and your children back to school tomorrow.
A few reminders....
Drop Off
School has a soft start to the day and you can bring your children in between 8.40 am (when the gates open) and 8.50 am. Mrs Farmer, Mrs George, a member of KS1 staff on a rota system and Mrs Brown will be on the playground to welcome you and your children and take any messages you need passing on to teachers.
If you arrive at school after 8.50 when the gates are locked, you need to bring your children round to the office entrance and sign them in as late.
Your child's teacher is your most important contact in school and the person who knows the most about your child. If you wish to talk to them anything or pass on a message, the morning is not the time to do it as they are occupied in classrooms, welcoming and settling children. Please email them, phone the office to arrange a phone call back or to make an appointment.
If you need to report an absence (either illness on the day or a planned appointment), please do so via the office email, or by ringing the office.
Information and details for contacting teachers is here
Food and Drink
It is vital your child brings a water bottle to school every day. We have water coolers and encourage them to fill them and drink regularly.
Children in KS1 are provided with fruit and children under 5 with free milk as part of a government initiative. You can opt to pay for milk when they are over 5 if you wish and can do so via the office.
We would like to encourage you to send children in with a portion of fruit (including dried) or vegetables as a snack for break time. The morning can feel quite long to children in the wait for lunchtime and eating a snack ensures concentration levels remain high. These should be separate to lunch bags and boxes and be in school bags ready for break.
You can choose for your child to be school dinners or packed lunches, but we do ask you commit to whichever you choose for half a term. Children's lunch boxes are stored on a trolley in the school hall. In hot weather, do consider putting an ice-pack in them to keep them cool.
Uniform and Equipment
We are certain you will have prepared your child well for the new year and have the full uniform in accordance with our policy. This creates a sense of pride and belonging for our community. Make sure items are labelled with your child's name and that your child is familiar with what they have in their bag. We do not have a lost property area in school.
Children need minimal equipment from home as we provide all they need for learning here. Please keep personal pencil cases and stationary for homework as it can create a sense of inequality when children bring in branded goods.
Pick Up
The school day ends at 3.20 and children are exited onto the playground by their teacher. Children will not be dismissed unless an adult can be clearly seen. Use this as an opportunity to talk to the teacher and ask how your child's day has been!
Class 3 and 4 parents are welcome to wait in the refection garden, in and around the hut and we ask class 1 and 2 parents to come onto the playground. Please pick up youngest children first (including children in nursery) as older children are able to wait more patiently!
We have numerous after school clubs starting in the next couple of weeks, so the gate will be promptly closed at 3.30 to ensure the safety of children attending them. If you wish to socialise, you are very welcome to enjoy our spacious field. This is to be used at your own risk as school do not take responsibility for the equipment and how it is used outside of school hours.
Teachers will be updating class pages regularly, so please ensure you check these. They already have new information on. I will ensure the calendar is fully updated and will send a newsletter next week.