School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Welcome Meetings

We are getting to the time of year where we begin to pave the way with children for transition into their next class. For half of our children this will mean staying with the teacher and in the environment that they are in now and you will be be familiar with the expectations and routines. For the other half, you may be wondering what the next class will be like.


We would like to invite you to a welcome meeting so that you can meet the teacher and find out information you need. 


These will be held throughout the week at 9.00 in your child's new classroom. Come round to the office entrance after you have dropped your children off and we will let you in once we have taken them to them to the hall for registration. Meetings will last 20 to 30 minutes and will also provide the opportunity to ask questions. 


Monday 26th - Parents with children in current reception and new to year 1 in September

Tuesday 27th - Parents with children in Class 4 from September 

Wednesday 28th - Parents with children in 2 from September 

Thursday 29th - Parents with children in Class 3 from September 




