An enormous and heart felt 'thank you' and 'well done' to everyone in our school family this week. What a challenge it has been, but as usual staff have provided stability and positivity, parents have shown care and understanding and the children have remained focussed and happy. You have all played your part.
We have ended the week with two staff, and 32 children absent with Covid! I am pleased to tell you that parents have reported children showing few symptoms, with some having headaches, sore throats, runny noses and upset tummies but the majority having no symptoms at all but a positive LFT.
We are really missing our absentees, and hope to welcome them back soon.
In line with the guidance we are happy to have them back following negative LFTs on days 5 and 6 (counting the day of the initial positive LFT as day 0). Can I please request that you email on day 5 if they have had a negative result so that we know process has been followed. Many schools are asking for evidence of the negative result, which I do not think is necessary, but it is a little unnerving to see a child return to school before the 10 days is up and not know if the legal procedure has been followed.
I have attached the children's work we have celebrated this afternoon in Collective Worship and Hot Chocolate Friday; Max, Scarlett, Jacob, Bea, Xavier, Esme and Lilly. You should be very proud of their resilience and commitment to learning.