School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Create Topics

The questionnaires are such a useful tool for finding out your opinions and reflecting on and refining on our practices. Several parents commented that they were unsure about what their children were learning.


This information is available on the website in the 'Academic Excellence' section of the 'Curriculum' page. 


Academic Excellence - Curriculum Subjects | Langar C of E Primary School 


As you know the whole school follows the same model for which foundation subject leads he topic each term. Discover topics in the autumn term are history led, Explore topics in the spring term are geography and Create in the summer term (now) are arts led. 


Create - Art, DT and Music Driver | Langar C of E Primary School (


On the curriculum page you will also see sub pages for each subject. On these pages you find documents that show the coverage of the knowledge and skills for that subject for each year group. This is the maths document PowerPoint Presentation ( and on other pages these are called 'skills ladders'.


We hope you find this information helpful. 



