A Young Person's Guide to the History of Langar
Bill Dargue, otherwise known as Mrs Brown's dad, is a passionate historian and retired teacher. He has carried out extensive research into the history of the local area and presented it as a website. This is an incredible resource for the children of our school.
Half Term Project
Villages of the Vale of Belvoir
> Your task is a 2-week project about a village. You can choose Langar or Barnstone, but children at Langar School live in other villages too. You can choose your own village or another one. This is a PROPER PROJECT! text, drawings, photos, maps, research, interviews . . .
It’s a chance to show off what you can find out about the history and geography of your village.
It’s a chance to show off your skills at presenting information.
The website! - https://historyoflangarforyoungpeople.jimdofree.com/
> First – Scan the website to see what information is available.
Hints: if you’re going to study Langar or Barnstone –
> Go to ‘A Little History’ 20th Century – Find this in the header at the top of the website page.
Here you’ll find information about farming and farming products.
There’s also something about housing in Langar.
> On that page is a link to Businesses in Langar – this includes Barnstone.
You might want to look at Barnstone Cement Works; it’s under ‘A Little History’ Multi-period Topics.
> You will also find information there on Langar Hall, Langar church, Langar School, Pies and cheese and more.
> In the header, find Local Weblinks with links to local websites such as SkyDive.
Hints: if your project is about another village –
> Go to the header and find The Vale of Belvoir.
Here is information about a number of local villages and about Belvoir Castle.
There are weblinks where you can find more information.
> Use a search engine such as Google or Bing. You can find information, pictures or maps.
What if your village is not on the list? Aaarrghh! You’re on your own!!!
But help is at hand - You can use Google to find information (other search engines are available.) Wikipedia is helpful. For instance: the Wikipedia entry on Redmile has information on the church, transport, its use as a film location and famous people. And there are weblinks to find out more.
!!! Take care using search engines!
A search for Langar might tell you about a Sikh temple communal kitchen; Belvoir might be Belvoir, Virginia, USA; Bingham could be the American archaeologist Hiram Bingham; Granby in Canada, Harby’s Bar in Brighton!
That’s your research done. > Next – Decide how to present the information.
Hints: > Write a short introduction about the village
> Decide on sub-headings – history, placename, buildings, church, people, farming, businesses. And write a paragraph or two about each.
> Illustrations – maps, pictures, diagrams for your village. You can download these from the internet or draw your own. If it’s safe to do so (Take parental advice!), you could go for a walk and take your own photographs.
> Interviews – If you know someone who has lived in the village for many years, you could interview them using a video chat app such as Whatsapp.
> Personal experience – What you know about the village where you live?
This is a chance to show off your research skills across a number of subjects and your ability to present information using words, drawings, downloads, photographs. Take your time; do a little each day. You’ve 2 weeks to complete the best project you’ve ever done on the village where you live.
Quiz 8!
Most villages and towns in England were given their names by the Anglo-Saxons. But you will find evidence of other invaders too.
Today we’re looking at PLACENAMES
> First find the page about Placenames. I’m not giving you the link, but here’s a clue. Every good website (including this one!) has a Site Map which lists all the pages on the website. Find the Site Map and then look for Anglo-Saxons and Placenames.
> Now skim the page looking at the main sections. You will find information about how the villages in our area got their names.
> Also find the page about Vikings in Nottinghamshire. I’m not giving you the link, but here’s a clue. Use the Site Map to look for Vikings.
> Task: Use the map below to present information about the placenames in our area. There is no set way to do this – use your imagination!
Quiz 6!
Have you found the History of Langar website yet? -
- https://historyoflangarforyoungpeople.jimdofree.com/
The 20th CENTURY - Big changes
Click here - https://historyoflangarforyoungpeople.jimdofree.com/a-little-history/the-20th-century/
> Now make notes (bullet points) about each of the big changes
* what is was like early in the century then * what it was like by the end of the century:
Quiz 5!
- You’ve a lot to look at today! But not much writing to do!
For ten thousand years the only power available for farm work was that of humans and horses.
In the 18th century clever farmers invented machines to plough and plant, harvest and thresh but these were still powered by humans and horses.
Go to the 19th CENTURY - https://historyoflangarforyoungpeople.jimdofree.com/a-little-history/the-reign-of-queen-victoria/
Quiz 2!
Hello! I’m Bill. I am the WEBMASTER (Wow!!) of the Langar history site specially created (Wow!!) for Langar Church of England Primary School -
Aims: To become familiar with the layout of the website - specifically the time periods;
To develop the skill of skimming to find information; To discover changes in agriculture.
The villages of the Vale of Belvoir are surrounded by farmland as they have been for thousands of years. Let’s investigate how farming changed during the Middle Ages. (Note: the word ‘medieval’ is the adjective for ‘Middle Ages’.)
(If it’s RED, it’s something for you to do – write, read, draw, watch.)
Take a look at The Middle Ages –
Now watch the modern video of how ploughing was done in the Middle Ages -
(This weblink takes you to YouTube – you might have to put up with adverts.)
Medieval Open Fields
A medieval village had three large open fields, called 'open' because there were no fences or hedges. The fields were divided into many strips. Each tenant had strips of land in different parts of the fields which meant they had a share of good and bad land.
> Which crops were grown in each field? (Hint: Find ‘How did the open field system work?’)
> Why did one field have nothing growing in it?
> Why do you think they changed the crops in each field every year?
Task: What evidence is there now of the way people used to plough the strips 800 years ago?
Look at the map – is there any evidence near where you live, or near Langar School?
The Medieval Diet
> People did not just eat barley and beans! What else did they eat and where did it come from? (Hint: Look down the page for ‘Houses’ and ‘Waste, woodland and closes’.)
The Medieval Farming Year
> Scroll down the page and read about the ‘Luttrell Psalter’
Then watch the movie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0AnUM1tt54
(This weblink takes you to YouTube – you might have to put up with more adverts.)
> Final task is on the document below.....take a look.....
Have fun! Bill
PS You can get in touch with me via the website – but you’ll have to find out how!