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Langar Church of England Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Christmas Fun

    Thu 20 Dec 2018

    We have had the most wonderful end to the term, culminating in the nativity performance last night and Carols Around the Tree this morning. Both of which showcased our super talented children and demonstrated the benefit of our well rounded and enriching curriculum.


    'Thank yous' have flooded in today from the visitors we hosted for Christmas dinner. Our children's hospitality and warm welcome have been the highlight of Christmas for them. The children were highly praised for their impeccable manners, entertaining chatting and fair serving.


    Finally - thank you so much for the cards and presents you have given to staff. We all adore our jobs here and recognition for the work we do is greatly appreciated.


    Have a wonderful Christmas with your children and we look forward to welcoming you all back after the holiday.

  • Final Christmas Reminders

    Wed 19 Dec 2018


    Parents and community are welcome . Year 3 need to be in uniform, all other children in costumes as outlined . Please add co-ordinated layers underneath costumes (e.g. leggings and long sleeved tops) as it is chilly in church!. Children wearing costumes need to be at church at 5.30, all others at 5.50.


    The PTA are kindly providing refreshments for the audience at a small cost, whilst they wait for the performers to get changed and ready. These will be served in church from the time of drop-off.


    We welcome every member of the community at this performance but feel that some events are not best suited to all ages. It is our preference that young children do not come to the evening performance as they can be very distracting or our young performers and other audience members. If this is unavoidable then please take them out if they become fractious.


    You are most welcome to take photographs of the performance, but please do not share these photos on social media if they have any other children in them. Sharing images of children can put families at risk and we are not at liberty to inform you of families who have not given permission for photographs to be taken of their children.


    Remember to turn off mobile phones. The interruption of a phone ringing is very distracting to our young children and the answering of calls during the performance is disrespectful to the hard work your children have put in.


    If you are not coming to the performance and wish to collect your child at the end, the performance is about an hour long so will finish at approximately 7.00. Please ensure the prompt collection of your children.


    Once the children have collected their belongings and have been brought out by staff to you, exit the church as swiftly as possible to avoid congestion whilst we unite the rest of the children with their parents. This also allows staff to go home as they will have worked an eleven hour day by the time the performance ends!



    Carols Around the Tree


    Parents and community are welcome. This starts at approximately 9.15 and you are welcome to come straight into the hall following drop-off in the morning. Children can come in party clothes/ Christmas jumpers and wear them all day. This is a good old-fashioned Christmas sing-song, interspersed with performances by our talented instrumentalists.


    The staff have organised a party for the children in the afternoon.


    Term Dates


    Friday 21st December is an INSET day and school is closed to children. We return to school on Monday 7th January 2019.


    I am sure I do not need to point out how hard the staff have worked to make this Christmas meaningful and fun for your children over the past two weeks. I know that you will wish to extend your thanks to them, as I do too. It is the dedication of the staff team; their enthusiasm and love of education that makes Langar Primary the wonderful place it is.




  • Change of Time - Carol Service

    Tue 11 Dec 2018
    Please note - the carol service will now begin at 2.30 on Friday  to ensure a seamless transition to the Christmas Fair. Drinks will be available from 3.40 in the outdoor classroom.
  • Christmas Notices

    Wed 05 Dec 2018


    The children are now gearing up for our Christmas festivities, and I thought it would be helpful to send a reminder of the dates of these and other events. I will also include additional information about each event that you might find useful.



    Year Group/Classes


    Additional Information

    Children are welcome to start bringing in Christmas cards. These should be posted in the post-box in the library and be clearly marked with the recipient’s name and class. The post-box will be emptied, and cards distributed, weekly.

    Monday 10th December

    All day

    Classes 1 to 3

    Flu Inoculations

    These will be given to children who have had permission slips returned by parents

    Monday 10th December

    All day

    Class 1

    Christmas Craft Day


    Wednesday 12th December


    Class 3


    Final swimming session

    Thursday 13th December


    Classes 1 and 2

    Nativity Costumes

    All costumes to be cleaned and returned by today

    Friday 14th December


    All (led by year 4)

    Traditional Carol Service

    Parents and community are welcome

    In church

    Friday 14th December



    PTA Christmas Fair

    Parents are welcome to come straight from the carol service and congregate in the outside classroom where mulled wine will be served.

    Entrance to the fair will be via class 4

    Monday 17th December


    Classes 1 and 2

    Nativity Dress Rehearsal

    Classes 3 and 4 will attend as audience

    Not for parents and community

    Year 3 need to be in uniform , all other children in costumes as outlined

    Tuesday 18th December



    Christmas Lunch

    Please ensure this is paid for in advance

    Children are invited to wear a Christmas accessory e.g. hat, headband, tinsel in their hair etc.

    Tuesday 18th December


    Classes 1 and 2

    Nativity Performance

    Parents and community are welcome *

    Year 3 need to be in uniform, all other children in costumes as outlined

    Please add co-ordinated layers underneath costumes (e.g. leggings and long sleeved tops) as it is chilly in church!

    Wednesday 19th December


    Classes 1 and 2

    Nativity Performance

    Parents and community are welcome *

    Year 3 need to be in uniform, all other children in costumes as outlined

    Please add co-ordinated layers underneath costumes (e.g. leggings and long sleeved tops) as it is chilly in church!

    Children wearing costumes need to be at church at 5.30, all others at 5.50

    Thursday 20th December



    Carols Round the Tree

    Children can come in party clothes/ Christmas jumpers

    Parents and community are welcome

    This is a good old-fashioned Christmas sing-song, interspersed with performances by our talented instrumentalists

    Thursday 20th December



    Christmas Parties

    Not for parents and community


    Fri 21st Dec

    INSET Day – school closed to children

    Mon 7th Jan

    Spring Term Starts

    *Our children in classes 1 and 2 have worked very hard to ensure this year’s Nativity performance is up to their usual high standard. We would ask you to be considerate of the performers and audience members when bringing young children. Whilst we welcome members of the community of all ages, younger siblings can be very distracting for our performers as well as the audience – please be mindful of this. If you are bringing young children, it would be our preference that you came to the afternoon performance if possible as this performance will have a more informal feel.

    We look forward to celebrating with you and welcoming you to these events,

    Mrs Brown and the staff team
