School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • House Colours for Sports Day

    Thu 27 Apr 2023

    As communicated last week, sports afternoon will take place on Friday 12th May.


    Children need to come in PE kits for the full day. They are invited to wear a top in their house colours. 


    Booth – Green     Wilberforce – Red    

    Cadbury – White     Ten Boom – Blue


    Your child knows which house they are in but their teacher can clarify it if they are unsure! 





  • Class 4 Red Carpet Event and Performance for Parents

    Wed 26 Apr 2023

    Thursday 20th July - 15:20 - 18:30


    Children will be invited to stay after school for a pizza party and red carpet photo call before preforming Panto Pandemonium to parents and family members at 5.30. Tickets will be made available prior to the event as there will be limited numbers allocated. The performance will also be filmed and shared on the website for those unable to attend. Younger siblings will watch the dress rehearsal earlier in the week.


  • OFSTED March 2023

    Mon 24 Apr 2023

    I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the governors, the head and all the staff at Langar C of E Primary school, to update you on the school’s progress since the parent feedback meeting in November 2022, following the publication of the last Ofsted report for the inspection carried out in July 2022.


    First of all, over the past seven months, a tremendous amount of hard work has been put in by Mrs Brown and all the staff, over and above the normal day to day running of the school and teaching of your children, to make the changes identified in the difficult weeks following that July inspection.


    After 16 years without an Ofsted inspection, it was important to recognise the systems and structures we had in place to be able to demonstrate the great qualities of our school, needed updating and improving. This remained the case despite the schools KS2 results being excellent when compared to other similar schools both nationally and locally.


    With the help and guidance of teams from the Local Authority (LA) and the Diocese, Mrs Brown and her team developed a comprehensive school improvement plan (SIP) to address those areas where we recognised improvements were required. This involved changes or improvements to systems, training, governance and leadership and the curriculum, to ensure the school could continue to provide the very best primary education for your children in the safe and nurturing environment you have become accustomed to.


    All of the work Mrs Brown and her team have put in, has paid off.


    As you will be aware, Ofsted returned to carry out a monitoring visit on the 2nd and 3rd of March. Provisionally this was to check on the progress in the key area of Safeguarding. However, having found that to be effective, they were able to convert it to a full graded inspection of the school.


    We are therefore delighted to announce that following an extremely thorough inspection, the school has been graded as follows:

    Overall effectiveness                  :                       Good

    The quality of education                              :                               Good       

    Behaviour and attitudes                               :                             Good

    Personal development                                 :                               Outstanding

    Leadership and management                     :                               Good

    Early years provision                                      :                               Good


    Given the previous Ofsted inspection grades from July last year, this is a tremendous result, achieved in a very short space of time.


    The lead inspector was particularly impressed with the area of personal development for the pupils - “a real strength” of the school. This was demonstrated repeatedly in all meetings they had with pupils and staff, where the great attitudes and values we have all come to associate with Langar were fully recognised in this inspection.


    The governors, Mrs Brown and all the staff would like to thank parents for the goodwill and messages of support they have had in the weeks and months since the last inspection. Given the very sad recent events surrounding one particular OFSTED inspection, it has meant a lot to know that Mrs Brown and her team had your support and would be given the time to make the changes needed to get this great result.


    It is also important to pass on the praise your children received from the inspectors for the way they demonstrated the values and behaviours which are such a large part of Langar school.


    Thank-you also to all those parents who put themselves forward to be considered as parent governors in November, whether successful or not. We have never had so many parents come forward wishing to be a part of the school governing body. The three new parents on the board of governors have been integral in demonstrating the school has the right balance of governance skills, particularly now with their education backgrounds, to help guide the school in the future.

    Thanks also to all those who took part and voted in the parent governor elections at a difficult time for the school. The turnout was amazing.


    But the work does not stop there.


    Mrs Brown and her team are continuing to update the school improvement plan (SIP) with the lessons learnt in this latest inspection. These will be shared with you in the coming months.


    Should you have any questions about this or the previous inspection, we will be happy to answer them. The governing body are developing plans for regular communications to update you on how the school is governed and more about the role of governors for those who have an interest in the future.


    Finally, I would once again, like to thank the Head, Mrs Brown, and all of her staff, for the way in which they have got on with the job of making the changes required to deliver this result.   


    Yours sincerely,

    Richard Swallow

    Chair of Governors



  • Fond Farewells

    Fri 21 Apr 2023

    We are going to be saying 'goodbyes' next week to Mrs Whelan and Mrs Sellars who are both leaving on 30th April.


    Mrs Sellars has been a long time friend and champion of the school who supported her grandchildren through their journey here, taken the job of midday supervisor and put in hours of voluntary work before taking on the role of TA. Through her support and guidance children have flourished. She will be missed, but we will think of her on hot summer days enjoying her garden and spending time on her artwork.


    Mrs Whelan has worked at the school for over 20 years! During that time she has dedicated her self to the community and children of Langar. She has seen so much change - some difficult and challenging and some exciting. She has navigated it all with grace and positivity. 


    Mrs Whelan has played such a vital role in school. From managing the budget, welcoming visitors, overseeing health and safety, igniting a passion for music in children and so much more.  Her tight financial management has averted the financial crisis that so many other schools currently find themselves in. Her eye for detail has meant we have often been ahead of the curve, making cuts and changes to ensure we have remained able to provide a consistent and high quality education for the children. 


    One of Mrs Whelan's lasting legacies are the very high number of children we have always had here who play an instrument. The provision of free recorder lessons from her has often been their first step to going on to play an orchestral instrument. We are extremely pleased that she would like to continue this, and children will be able to have a recorder lesson with her on Tuesday afternoons for the foreseeable future. 


    We know that you will be keen to express your thoughts and feelings about these two wonderful women and welcome any cards or presents you wish to give them. They have both asked that fuss is kept to a minimum but we cannot let their service to the school go unacknowledged. 


  • Fundraising

    Wed 19 Apr 2023

    A huge 'thank you' to the Friends, with special mention to Stacey Tuffey who did so much in preparation and during the Bunny Hop Disco and Easter Raffle. Through their efforts, £533 was made for School Fund which will contribute an amazing amount towards the class set of I Pads we hope to buy in September. 


    Just as a reminder;  since 2019, following an ill attended AGM, a natural evolution of the PTA took place and we formed the Friends of Langar Church of England Primary School.  As a parent, carer or family member of a child in school, you are automatically a member this group.


    The next event is going to be a summer fair. We do not have a date for this, as the idea is being driven by some of our dedicated Friends of the School. Watch this space as a working party will be out together to make this an exciting and successful occasion. 




  • Sports Afternoon

    Wed 19 Apr 2023

    During the afternoon of Friday 12th May we will be holding our sports afternoon. I have reflected on feedback from parents, staff and children from last year and have kept the successful parts and tweaked others! We warmly welcome you, and any other family members who wish to attend. 


    KS1 activities will take place at 1.00pm – 2.00pm - these will take the form of a carousel of activities and tasks that the year 5 children will supervise. You can follow your child around the course to encourage and cheer them on. 


    KS2 sports will be from 2.00pm until 3.00pm. Children will sign up to the races, activities and tasks they would like to take part in to earn house points for their team. These will take place on the running track. We will not be putting out seating so encourage you to bring a seat or deck chair. 


    You are welcome, to come and support the children for as much or as little of the event as you wish. Entry at 1.00 and 2.00, will be via the main green gate which will then be locked for the duration of the event for the safety of your children. 


    Once the events have been completed, the children will be taken back to their classes in order to gather their belongings. Once this has happened, if you have attended Sports Afternoon, you can collect your child from the same place as usual. If you have only attended the KS1 event you will be permitted to take your children when their event finishes to save you from having to go home and come back again.



    Would any of our Friends be prepared to provide refreshments? Tea, coffee, cake? These proved very popular last year and made it a really social event. 


    If you are able to help, please drop me an email -

  • Swimming Year 4 and 5 Tomorrow

    Tue 18 Apr 2023

    Reminders from the School Swimming Service


    Please ensure your children's swimming garments meet the rules:
    Swimming costumes - these must be one piece for girls (no bikinis or tankinis)
    Swimming trunks or well fitted short swimming shorts (no baggy or long shorts) with no pockets 
    Hair long enough to be tied up, must be tied up! Or a swimming hat should be worn
    No jewellery; including pierced earrings of any sort 

    Thank you for your support


    Please read the guidance for parents:  


    If your child would find it easier for getting changed, they are permitted to come in PE kits. 

  • Welcome Back

    Mon 17 Apr 2023

    It has been lovely to welcome your children back to school today. They settled brilliantly and the atmosphere has been calm and productive.



    Over the holidays, I had correspondence with a local resident 

    who has become increasingly distressed about the poor parking around school. He states: 


    Too often there are cars double parked on the pavement and across drives. The worse situation is when cars are parked on the road corners. This triggers many potential dangers for drivers and for the children getting in and out of the cars, for the sake of walking just a few metres.


    Yesterday our wheelie bins were not collected because the dustcart could not get down our road. This highlights a more important consideration of easy access for the emergency services. We have several elderly people living in Belvoir Crescent who may need an ambulance at any time of the day.


    A simple solution would be to use The Unicorn’s Head car park. A 2 - 3 minute walk away. I know the previous landlord had often said he had no problem with parents using his car park.


    Your cooperation would be appreciated and may save injuries or something worse.


    Please take heed. 



