School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Covid-19 Cases Update

    Mon 11 Oct 2021

    Thank you for your kind words of support this morning. These are stressful and testing times. 


    We have had 31 children absent from school; most of whom were being taken for PCR tests after displaying cold like symptoms and are now awaiting the results. Of those absent; seven children have a positive test result. These are children from classes 2,3 and 4. I do not want you to worry about this but to remind you to remain vigilant.


    We do not want children being brought into school who are unwell - firstly because it is not good for them, their peers or the staff as the germs are spreading rapidly and taking longer to get rid of and secondly because we would ask you to take them for a PCR to rule out Covid. 


    It is government expectation that home learning should be set for children who have tested positive for Covid but are asymptomatic and well enough to complete school work. We will set home learning for children in that situation. However, we will not set work for poorly children. If your child has had a positive test result but is asymptomatic and well in themselves, please get in touch if you would like work setting for the next four days. There is plenty for them to do through our website; including learning to learn homework and fluency facts plus many weblinks and resources. Home Learning | Langar C of E Primary School 


    We send love to all the poorly children and staff - we are all thinking of you. 

  • Magical Maths

    Mon 11 Oct 2021

    Amazing news! 


    Magical Maths is returning to Langar PS with a brand new, super fun, after school maths club and we would like to invite your child/children to come along and join us for some fantastic mathemagical fun!


     We'll be starting the club on Friday 12th Nov straight after school and running on the following dates at the same time for an hour each week:


    Friday 12th, 19th, 26th Nov & 3rd, 10th Dec


    Magical Maths Club is packed full of exciting games and activities that are super fun and highly educational (but don't tell the children!).


    Please be aware though, that we do have limited availability and places are already filling up fast. The places will be allocated on a first come first served basis, so be sure to sign up quickly to secure your spot!


    Visit or call 0115 871 2024 to save your space!


  • Achievements and Awards Assembly

    Fri 08 Oct 2021

    Friday 15th October is our Achievements and Awards Assembly. 


    Children are invited to bring in ONE achievement (medal, certificate, award, accolade etc) that they have gained recently to share with the rest of the school. Please send these in on Thursday so that we can collate them, ready for the assembly. If your child wears a special uniform or outfit for their hobby then they are welcome to wear it to school, bringing their uniform to change into after the assembly.


    We are really looking forward to hearing about the talents and skills we have here at Langar.

  • Flu Immunisations

    Thu 07 Oct 2021

    We have just received notice from the NHS immunisation team, that they will not be coming to school on Friday due to redeployment of their staff.

  • Confirmed Covid-19 Cases

    Thu 07 Oct 2021

    There are three confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the school. We know that you may find this concerning but are continuing to monitor the situation. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and provide advice on how to support your child. Please be reassured that for most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.


    Under new government guidance, children under 18 years and 6 months who are identified as close contacts of a positive case no longer have to self-isolate but are advised to get a PCR test (unless they have tested positive in the last 90 days, or are aged 4 and under, in which case they are only advised to get a PCR test if they live in a household where someone else has coronavirus). NHS Test & Trace is now responsible for all contact tracing, rather than schools and will contact you directly if your child is a close contact. Further guidance is available here: Guidance for contacts of people with confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection who do not live with the person - GOV.UK (


    The school remains open and your child should continue to attend if they remain well. You do not need to take any action unless contacted by NHS Test & Trace, but adults and secondary school aged children are encouraged to undertake twice weekly lateral flow testing Regular rapid lateral flow coronavirus (COVID-19) tests - NHS ( Lateral flow testing is not recommended for primary school aged children.


    What to do if your child develops symptoms of COVID 19


    If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19, they must not come to school and should remain at home for at least 10 days from the date when their symptoms appeared. Anyone with symptoms will be eligible for testing and this can be arranged via or by calling 119.


    The isolation period includes the day symptoms started (or the day the test was taken if no symptoms), and the next 10 full days. 


    All other household members who remain well no longer have to self-isolate, as long as they are fully vaccinated (defined as having received the recommended doses of a MHRA-approved vaccination in the UK, with the last dose being at least 14 days before the exposure to COVID-19), medically exempt from vaccination, or aged under 18 years and six months: Stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection - GOV.UK (



    The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:

    • a new continuous cough
    • a high temperature
    • a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)


    However, we would ask you to err on the side of caution in current circumstances. We have many children in school who are under the weather, with cold like symptoms. Although the majority of these will be exactly what they seem – a common cold – you may wish to consider taking them for a PCR test. As children, and adults, have not been exposed to these common viruses for some time, they are spreading rapidly and really making people feel quite poorly. Please consider whether your child could do with rest to fight their illness and time away from school to stop it spreading.


    For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.


    If your child or anyone in the household does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from NHS 111 at or by phoning 111.


    How to stop COVID-19 spreading


    There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with COVID-19.


    • wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
    • use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
    • wash your hands as soon as you get home
    • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
    • put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards


    Further Information

    Further information is available at


    I have written this update to inform you of the changing situation with regards to managing Covid-19 within schools. Schools have been advised that it is not necessary to inform parents of every future individual case of Covid-19 which is reported at school. However, please be assured that I am keeping a very close overview of the situation and if cases were to escalate, further controls would be promptly introduced to the school, in liaison with the local health protection team.


  • The Friary Collection

    Thu 07 Oct 2021

    Rob from The Friary has been to collect our donations today. He was amazed by your generosity and kindness. He asked me to pass on their thanks.

  • Online Safety - It Could be You!

    Wed 06 Oct 2021

    We have recently had a couple of concerns brought to our attention surrounding children’s online safety. This is something that is a danger to all children who access the internet - be it through a mobile phone, laptop or tablet. An attitude of 'it could be me' must be taken and adults must remain vigilant.


    The police have highlighted an increase in reports of children talking to and exchanging pictures with strangers online. Videochat websites and apps like Skype, Instagram, Omegle, Oovoo, Kik, and others, allow children to talk and exchange pictures on tablets and Smartphones or via a webcam.  Whilst talking on webcam with known and trusted friends and family can be fun and exciting, children can be at risk of bullying and also abuse. Children and young people sharing pictures and videos online are vulnerable to exploitation. This can happen in the following way:


    • An offender makes contact with a young person online through an app, chatroom or game.
    • The offender begins a conversation and tricks the young person into sending them an indecent picture, appearing naked or performing sexual acts on webcam. They can trick them by pretending to be of the same age, someone the child knows, flirting with them or sending them sexual pictures or videos.
    • The offender records or captures the picture. They then threaten to show it to others including family members if they do not perform more sexual acts. Some young people have been threatened for money or have been told to hurt themselves.

    This has happened to young people and is being reported countrywide, with children of both Primary and Secondary school age. This is sexual abuse.


    What to do if this happens


    When a child tells a parent they have experienced on or offline sexual abuse parents should react calmly and always:

    • Believe their child and tell them that they believe them.
    • Not blame them, it is not their fault, the person responsible is the offender.
    • Keep calm and talk to their child about how they feel and let them know that they’re here to listen.
    • Report the concern to Nottinghamshire Police via 101 or use 999 if there is immediate risk to someone’s safety.
    •  You can also report to CEOP, a national agency that tackle exploitation of children and young people. For information, advice and to report concerns directly to CEOP, visit
    • Be aware that offenders may sometimes be targeting and abusing multiple children online. Your child may possibly be one of many victims and reporting online suspicious activity may help protect many children.


    How to stop it happening


    • Set appropriate parental controls and use filters for home computers and devices (such as games consoles, tablets and Smart Phones)
    • Talk to your child about what they are doing online and ask them to show you the apps and sites they use.
    • Ensure your child understands how anyone can copy and share images or messages posted online and the importance of keeping their personal information and images safe
    • Ensure that privacy settings and age restrictions are discussed and in place for the websites and apps that your child uses.
    • Ensure that you and your child know how to block and report unwanted images and messages
    • Ensure you know how to report sexual abuse online.




    Roblox is a particularly popular game, especially as it enables children to connect with and talk with their friends. I do wish to make you aware though that there are children who have been groomed and abused via this games. I would emphasise the following points to make the use of the game as safe as possible.


    Make sure you check in with your child regularly about who they’re talking to.


    Remind them that conversations should only be about the game, and if someone starts asking them other questions or suggests they speak using another app like Snapchat or Instagram they should tell you.


    Explore safety settings together like block, report and mute so your child knows how to stop unwanted contact or end an online chat if it's not about the game.


    Be aware that some children use third party chat apps like Discord to communicate with other players while gaming. Make sure to ask your child if they’re using any other messaging apps to chat with friends or people they don’t know while playing games online.


    Please take a look at the guide for parents - Roblox: A guide for parents (


    If you are worried that your child is at risk of harm or a criminal offence has been committed then you can report your concerns to Nottinghamshire Police or the MASH   MASH factsheet for parents and carers v2 ( . For further advice visit,, or

  • Harvest Collective Worship

    Fri 01 Oct 2021

    The children have amazed us with their empathy, understanding and care for the plight of the homeless. They have explored themes of greed and generosity, waste and wisdom this afternoon.


    The appeal for goods for The Friary has far exceeded our expectations and I know we will have made a real difference to the charity and those men and women helped by it. We thank you so much for your kindness.
