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Langar Church of England Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Food Hampers

    Thu 17 Dec 2020

    The kindness and generosity of our community never ceases to amaze me, and today's gesture has moved us to tears!


    The Wiverton-in the -Vale parish started an appeal:


    We have been thinking about all the campaigning and awareness work that has been happening on the issue of child poverty and hunger in the UK. In  light of this campaign and with Xmas looming (which is a hard time for many and especially challenging this year with Covid), we contacted one of our local Headteachers  to see whether we had a  lot of children in our area that would need and depend on the free school meals during holidays to ensure that they had sufficient food when not in schools. We were amazed when the Head Teacher advised us that yes, in our area around 10% of our local children would currently fall into this category.  With Covid this year more children and families fall into this category with families having experienced job losses, wage cuts or from being furloughed on reduced wages for extended periods so it is harder for these families than ever.


    What’s great is that our Local Council have committed to providing meal vouchers or meals for these children over the Xmas holidays, but we still think we could do more to help ease this period for those children and their families and to make Christmas a more special affair.


    So we would like to reach out to our Parishioners for some help for these families… 


    The response to the appeal has been incredible. So much so that we have been able to make up hampers, not only for our own families, but also to send to Cropwell Bishop. We also put aside the non-perishable items and have sent them to The Children's Centre in Bingham where they are putting together food parcels for families too.


    This year has been so challenging and difficult for us all. There have been times where we have been in the position of 'helper' and other times the position of 'helped'. We hope that these hampers are well received, in the manner that they were intended. As one gift tag said, 'I hope it all helps. No child or family should feel ashamed to receive these gifts.'

  • Langar Nativity in the News!

    Thu 17 Dec 2020

    Did you hear us on Radio Nottingham last week? I do hope Sarah Julian watched our nativity to see what we did!



    Listen from 1 hour and 19 minutes!

  • Christmas Lunch

    Tue 15 Dec 2020

    We are stuffed!


    What a wonderful Christmas lunch we have all enjoyed today! Mrs Selby and Mrs Daws did us proud with succulent turkey, roast and mashed potatoes, three seasonal vegetables, and stuffing balls served with gravy and cranberry sauce! Just when we thought things couldn't get better the yule logs and assorted Christmas chocolates appeared!


    The hall was awash with colourful hats and headbands and a buzz of excitement filled the air! The children's manners were impeccable and having eaten the feast they even helped clear away.


    It feels as though Christmas has well and truly started and it was a pleasure to start here with our Langar school family. 

  • Drumming Demonstration

    Tue 15 Dec 2020

    Yesterday the children were treated to a drumming demonstration by Alick Stewart from Rockley Music. Some of the children were already familiar with him as they have him for drumming lessons.


    Drumming lessons are one of the weekly music lessons we have on offer and are provided by Rockley Music. Your child will bring home a flier today with more information about it. 

    As you will see in Carols Around the Tree, our children play a wide range of instrument from clarinet to guitar, voice to piano. If you would like more information about music lessons, then talk to Mrs Whelan. 

  • Virtual Nativity!

    Tue 15 Dec 2020

    We are so excited to be able to share out nativity with you. This has been uploaded to the Wiverton in the Vale YouTube channel and can be watched wherever you are and as many times as you like!


    It would be wonderful if we could all watch it at 6.30pm tonight as a collective experience. I have my mince pies and mulled wine ready for the occasion! Please take a selfie of you and your family watching the nativity and send it to  I will upload these to the webpage so we can see how our school family united for this occasion. 


    Please follow the link: 

    Nativity | Langar C of E Primary School 


    I must give a shout out and thank you to Matilda Brown whose technical skills made this possible!

  • Poppy Appeal

    Wed 09 Dec 2020

    Your thoughtfulness has such impact! As a school we raised £206 for The Royal British Legion through the merchandise you bought.


    This is a fabulous total and nearly double the amount we usually raise.

  • Promptness

    Tue 08 Dec 2020

    We are so grateful to you, our families for supporting our staggered start and end of the day that has enabled us to ensure the safety of your children and the wider community. The plans we created considered the needs of everyone and I am proud of  the  caring,  supportive attitudes of our staff and their willingness to be flexible and accommodating.  


    This flexibility is willingly given when agreed in partnership with you.


    We are still having issues around the late collection of children.  These late collections have not been done in prior arrangement and take staff away from other commitments and duties. It is inevitable that parents have the occasional unforeseen delay, for which we are completely understanding but the regular late collection of children is something we will no longer tolerate. 


    Staff will begin to log these incidents and I will be making a report to governors about it to decide on a way forward. 



  • Christmas Events

    Mon 07 Dec 2020

    It may not be Christmas as we know it but many churches and communities are hosting some carefully planned live events or hosting things virtually. I will add more events that may interest you as I find them. 


    Christmas Events | Langar C of E Primary School ( 


  • TARMAC - Christmas Tree Donation

    Mon 07 Dec 2020

    We are so lucky to have been gifted a Christmas tree, lights and stand by our friends at TARMAC. This has brought such cheer to the hall and Christmas spirit to us all. 


    A wonderful team of children helped to decorate the tree which is adorned in Nottingham lace. 

  • Magical Maths Club

    Mon 07 Dec 2020

    The children attending Magical Maths are having a fabulous time! Here is a little snapshot of what they have been up to.


    This week was Mathletics week which meant our Olympic Mathletes were at your school. We had a parachute, some beach balls and even some football. It was an unbelievable week!


    This week everything was sports related as we took our maths adventures to a whole new level! Our Olympic Mathletes came dressed in their sports gear...these guys are so sporty they make Jess Ennis and Mo Farrah look like a pair of pensioners who brought stilettos instead of trainers to a work-out!

    Here's what the children did:

    Parachute Games
    After hearing "parachute games", the children were very relieved to find out they weren't going to be jumping out of a plane this week. (Our 'Magical Maths Plane' is currently undergoing repairs...maybe next time!)

    Rather, they'd be holding an edge of our giant parachute and answering maths related questions. 

    We have many activities that we play with this. The first is numbering the children with certain numbers (these can be small if we want an easier game, or larger for a harder game). We then ask the group questions, and if your number is the answer you must run under the parachute to the other side! Wahoo!  

    We then add in large foamy dice to make things more interesting, and play a 'number patterns' game where we number the children in a pattern, they close their eyes while one child goes under the parachute, and when they open them they decide as a group which number is missing.

    Great stuff!

    Beach Ball Maths
    Standing in a circle, a beach ball is thrown into the air. Children must catch it, and then see where their thumbs land on the ball. There are different numbered regions on the ball, so the activity leader will then shout an instruction and the child must answer it.

    It could be as simple as "add your numbers together"

    or, it could be harder "multiply your numbers together, and subtract the number of legs on a cow"

    or, perhaps "subtract your numbers, and name a shape with that many sides"

    As always, questions are appropriate for all ages. 


    We had a (foot)ball with this game today! The children have to split into pairs to play a football based board game against each other. They pick teams, roll the dice and have to solve the sum given to them in the top corner of their board. Each correct answer gets them closer to their opponent's goal...and they player with the most goals at the end wins.


    Key Stage 2's must recall and use multiplication facts for the times tables up to 12x12. For the mini maths genius', we have goal boards which do the 13, 15, 20, and 50 times tables. 


    It was a tense game for each year group, but our final winners did mathemagically well. Well done guys!

    It was an absolutely cracking week this week. Only problem is, we're aching now...they wore us out!

    Look forward to seeing everyone again next week,

    Head of looking after worn out staff.

    P.S. Next week is 'mind boggling puzzles' week. Seriously, these puzzles are TOUGH! Children need to bring their thinking cap! ;) 

    P.P.S. If they don't have thinking caps, give me an email and I'll order extras in! ;)

