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Langar Church of England Primary School

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Comet NEOWISE

    Wed 22 Jul 2020
    Nigel Wood sent us these amazing photos of the comet over school. Isn't it wonderful?
  • Awards Ceremony

    Wed 15 Jul 2020 Mr Owen-Jones

    English Cup         Outstanding ability           Peyton Tuffey


    Proposed by Mr Owen-Jones.  Peyton loves to read and has transferred her passion into her writing.


    Maths Cup              E.E. Barry Outstanding ability            Florence Scanlan


    Proposed by Mr Owen-Jones.  Florence has overcome some personal mental blocks this year and flourished.  Florence worked hard at fluency facts and made notes in lessons to help herself progress.


    Sports Trophy     Effort and school representation     

    Alicia Craig


    Proposed by Mr Zisaruk-Gibson for her leadership, attitude and commitment towards the development of school sport and healthy lifestyles, as well as her own personal performance across a wide range of sports.


    Art Award            Colston Bassett Trophy     Charlie Litchfield


    Proposed by Mr Owen-Jones.  Charlie loves to draw and create.  Charlie spends hours perfecting pieces of work and always puts his own style to anything he does.


    Science Lamp      Vic Lloyd             Lilly Watt


    Proposed by Mr Zisaruk-Gibson for showing an enthusiastic and inquisitive attitude towards the steps of pollination and the process of the digestive system.


    Music Cup           K.M.Crowe          Martha Stevens


    Proposed by Mrs Whelan for her resilience and determination to practice and perform.


    Geographical Plate Donated annually N.Allen – environmental issues/ contribution to school           

    Reece Oldham


    Proposed by Mr Zisaruk-Gibson for his retention of knowledge and the ability tot deliver it to his senior peers.


    Environmental Shield    Abiding interest 

    Matilda Nicholson-White


    Proposed by Mrs George for always applying herself 100% in every Outdoor Learning lesson.  Matilda has produced some stunning creative designs using natural resources and has been a fantastic role model to children in the younger years.


    Solly Cup             Continual all round effort / most progress     Katie Armstrong


    Proposed by Mr Owen Jones.  Katie doesn’t find everything easy and where some would give up, she redoubles her efforts.  She is amazing!


    Lucy Salmon Shield      KS1 – personal qualities leadership         

    India Johnson


    Proposed by Mrs Turner for endeavouring to work hard and be responsible with her role as Personal Assistant.


    Plowright Cup     Year 5 - personal qualities/ leadership           Immy Litchfield


    Proposed by Mrs Nicolson.  Immy’s confidence has improved significantly throughout the year.  Immy’s resilience and problem solving skills have been outstanding and she has demonstration exceptional leadership skills.


    Technology Cup                Jack Roberts


    Proposed by Mrs Petchell for a continued positive attitude with a willingness to try things at all times.


    History Cup                        Sophie Morris


    Proposed by Mr Zisaruk-Gibson and Mrs George for her engagement and research leading up to the court case and the Galleries of Justice.


    IT Cup                  Morgan Mazers


    Proposed by Mr Owen-Jones for animations during lockdown.



    Hillary Award an award for going over and above in their endeavours (donated by Mr Hillary past headteacher)    

    Helena Murray


    Proposed by Mrs Brown.  Helena came to us from a different school but as she leaves us she has become the epitome of a Langar child who lives the Trinity each day. We couldn’t be more proud of the girl she is as she goes on to represent us at secondary school.


    French Cup                         Maisie Finch


    Proposed by Mrs Lark for always being enthusiastic about learning French and being prepared to use what she has learned to ‘have a go’ at speaking and writing in French.


    Thomas Grice Memorial Award  - Kunmi Modupe


    Foundation Stage Donated annually by R. Whitehead (but doesn’t want his name associated with it) given in memory of boy who tragically died 14, April 1994 for qualities similar to Thomas’ kindness, consideration, care for others.         


    Proposed by Mrs Richardson and Mrs Petchell – for always being kind and considerate to all her friends with a big smile on her face!

  • Summer Childcare

    Tue 07 Jul 2020

    Following my request for you to notify us if you would be interested in childcare provision over the summer several families have been in touch. However, not enough families were interested in this for us to warrant organising and hosting anything ourselves. Coupled with the fact that lockdown restrictions have eased, and you can now utilise friends and family once more, we acknowledge that the burden of juggling work and childcare has lessened.


    There are still options I would like to draw your attention to if you are requiring childcare:


    Firstly you can get in touch with Langar Early Years Learning Alliance who have limited availability alongside their nursery provision.


    Rattle and Roll are hosting a summer of fun at East Bridgeford school, that is open form all children in the surrounding area. These sessions start on 27th July and run until 21st August from 7.45am till 6.00pm every day. Sessions cost £24 per day and will cover themes each week -  Movie Madness, Spy Missions, Planet Earth and Superheroes. The clubs will involve dodgeball, music and dance, yoga, cricket, athletics, rounders and more.


    If you need to find further childcare provision you can also browse the Nottinghamshire directory:


  • Reports and September Planning

    Tue 07 Jul 2020

    This week has been exceptionally busy. After receiving the guidance for reopening school fully in September I have been carrying out new risk assessments and starting to form yet another plan! This has taken place amongst preparing reports to be sent out at the end of the week, reviewing the school finances in readiness for governors and welcoming another house bubble into school. I apologise if this resulted in a radio silence for you; our families.




    You will receive your child's report on Thursday, which will be sent home with them if they are currently in school. We are happy to post these to you if your child is not currently in school, however, if you are able to come and collect it from school, or arrange to have it brought back with another family, please give Mrs Whelan a ring as they are ready from today. We hope you find the reports insightful and useful and would love your feedback.


    Reopening in September


    You will have undoubtedly heard the news that schools are set to reopen fully in September. It is exciting to be able to bring our community back together but there are also challenges ahead and I have much to do in a very short time.  Further guidance for families should be ready by the end of the school year in time for our September return and will follow extensive risk assessments and logistical planning - please be patient while we undertake this work.



    Key points about the reopening of schools


    Here is a summary of the main points from the government guidance:

    • All pupils are expected to attend from September, including those currently shielding.  This is mandatory.
    • The opportunities for social distancing in school will be limited but should be taken when feasible.  
    • The school will be separated into bubbles, with minimal mixing with other groups in school.  
    • A broad and balanced curriculum will be offered to all children, although there are restrictions resulting from the reorganisation of the school and for practical activities in some subjects.
    • Hand hygiene routines will be in place and must be adhered to by all.
    • Enhanced cleaning (as is already in place) will be implemented focusing in shared areas and touch points.
    • School uniform will be worn from September.
    • Face coverings are not recommended on school sites .
    • We will consider staggering the school day to keep bubbles and large groups apart.
    • Equipment brought to and from school should be kept to a minimum and care must be taken when using any shared equipment in schools (appropriate cleaning or quarantining of items).
    • Children and staff must stay at home and following self-isolation rules if they are showing Covid-19 symptoms.  They should also be tested and the school must be informed of the outcome.
    • All members of school communities are expected to engage with the government' test and trace system.
    • Individual schools or bubbles within schools may be closed if confirmed Covid-19 cases occur.

    To read the full guidance and the updated parent guide from the government please use the following links:


    Guidance for Schools:


    Parent Guide:


    Keep Going!


    At the start of your sixteenth week of having your children at home and life as you knew it feeling forever changed, you may be struggling. Please take heart - you are not alone. The engagement and support you have shown for home learning, your flexibility and willingness to trust in our plans, your communication with staff and openness, providing us with useful feedback has been greatly appreciated. We have so much to celebrate here and you have played a huge part in that.


    *Keyworker provision was accessed by 15 children making the bubble full.

    * 92% of children in reception, year 1 and year 6 returned to school

    * Following the reopening for the recommended year groups we were able to widen this offer to all year groups resulting in 88% of the whole school population has been back to school this half term

    * No Covid-19 cases have been reported amongst our children


    The atmosphere in school is a happy one and buzzing with positivity. We look forward to adding to this in September and welcoming all your children, and our families back.  




  • Healing the Gaps - You're a Star

    Thu 02 Jul 2020

    As you will have seen in the media, the government are concerned about the gaps in learning the Covid-19 school closures have created. Initiatives designed for 'catch up' have received a lot of publicity though any firm plans or commitments to individual school funding have not been shared with schools yet. The staff here have discussed the approaches being publicised and have taken a stance and made some commitments to this.


    I  would like to draw you back to our trinity model for learning. This model puts your child at the centre, fostering in them a strong set of learning skills, instilling Christian values and striving for academic excellence. Our innovative and immersive teaching methods of cross-curricular learning and a mastery approach is led by forward thinking teaching staff and supported by a highly-skilled teaching assistant team who, with in-depth knowledge of each child in their care,  design and deliver ambitious learning packages tailored to individual needs. This work will begin again from the appropriate starting points observed in September. Gaps created will be healed in this way. 


    As a school we believe the firm foundations and fertile conditions for learning are only created when children have acquired the right set of learning skills and values. Mental 'unwellness' and issues around behaviour and attitudes are seen here as the biggest barriers to learning, over and above gaps in academic facts and understanding. In school, we offer packages of support and intervention to ensure these aspects are healed and caught up on as well as subject based misconceptions or misunderstandings being addressed. 


    The children returning to school have impressed us by the way they have engaged in academic learning once more. After talking about their feelings, allowing them time to explore the new set up, rules and routines, providing outlets and tools for expressing their thoughts etc, they were keen to get a routine up and running and engage in lessons. Your wonderful support and guidance has shone through them as they have grasped concepts and objectives covered during home learning. Feedback from parents who are continuing got support children with home learning have shared that although they are still engaging, those children are being to run out of steam; craving normality, routine and the company of their friends and teachers.


    We will not be setting work over the summer. However, we have bought every child a booked, called You're A Star, that has been written by Poppy O'Neill to promote children's mental well-being and build self-esteem. At the end of your child's time in school for the year they will bring this book home, or if your child is not coming into school a member of staff will bring it round to you. 


    This book will support your child and prepare them for returning to school in September in a way that we believe is far more important than any academic work that we could set for you. We hope you find it useful and supportive and that it goes some way to telling you how much we care for your children and that we are thinking of you all. 


