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Langar Church of England Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Harvest Festival

    Mon 28 Sep 2020

    On Thursday Reverend Rachel will be coming in for our harvest service. This will not take the usual format, as you can imagine, with the restrictions in place. However, it is set to be a poignant opportunity for the children to worship and reflect on the theme of 'a hopeful harvest'. 


    Along with the church community, we will be inviting children to make contributions to help our global neighbours, through the charity Self Help Africa. We will send them home with an envelope for a cash donation, or this can be made via the Just Giving page. 


    We will introduce the children to the work the charity do during our collective worship on Thursday, but you can find out more about them here: 


    We are currently unable to sing as a large group at the moment but we are going to be signing this song! Take a look and see if your children can learn it before Thursday:




  • Personal Possessions

    Fri 25 Sep 2020

    Thank you all so much for sending children in PE kits on PE days. This is working brilliantly as it means we have less items coming from home to school and visa versa plus there is no learning time wasted whilst children get changed. I have attached the time table to ensure you are clear about when your child's PE day is. 


    Can you please ensure no other personal items are being sent into school with your children. Some children have been bringing in Lego cards and exchanging these at play times, this is not appropriate in the current climate and not an activity we encourage. 


    We have numerous jumpers and cardigans being left in school. Many of these are unnamed. It is not appropriate for staff to touch children's belongings at this time - especially if they are not from their bubble, so please instil into your children a sense of responsibility for their possessions and make sure they are clearly labelled to encourage them to do so. 


    This has been a very tough week for everyone with threats of further lockdowns and restrictions being putting in place. We are pleased to be able offer a sense of normality here and thank you for your co-operation in making sure this is possible. 

  • Version 2 - Lunch and Play Times

    Thu 24 Sep 2020

    Please see the link to take a look at our new arrangements for lunchtimes and play times. 



    Lunch time has been a particularly difficult part of the plan to get right, as I had to find a balance between keeping bubbles apart in order to meet physical health needs whilst maintaining mental health of staff and children. In our first plan the separation of bubbles was only possible by utilising all staff in school, who had generously agreed to cut their own lunch breaks to only half an hour. I am sure that, knowing how hard they work and their commitment to their roles, you will understand that this was completely unsustainable and I have had to find a more long term solution.  Our lunch time supervisors have all kindly agreed to increase their hours, making this new plan possible. 


    As you will see, both Mrs Whelan (or Mrs George on Thursdays and Fridays) and I  have lunch time duties. Please be aware of this. If you are wanting to contact the office you will not get us at this time.


    The atmosphere in classrooms, the quality of learning and the enthusiasm of children and staff is completely unchanged by Covid-19 restrictions. However, these logistical conundrums that it surfaces, as I sure you all appreciate,  are very time consuming. We do hope that this settles soon and that we are now carrying out a plan that has some longevity. 


    As always, we thank you for your flexibility, your commitment to our plan and your understanding that this is all in the best interests of you children and the wider community. 

  • Sign Up - Langar Half Term Club

    Fri 18 Sep 2020

    For £30 a day, from 9.00 - 3.00 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, your child can take part in :


    * Making eyeball jelly and a monster mummy

    * A spooky treasure hunt

    * Fun games and autumn craft activities

    * A Monster Mash disco!


    The club will be held in our spacious school hall and children will make use of the school grounds.





  • Compromising of Bubbles

    Tue 15 Sep 2020

    Thank you so much for your co-operation with our new drop off and collection timings. This has had an incredible impact as the children are not having to wait for their peers to arrive before starting lessons.


    The plan is working well in school - with bubbles of children remaining separated all day whilst retaining the usual caring, warm atmosphere and a sense of normality through routines and high quality learning. Ensuring the bubbles stay more than 2m away from each other ensures that should a positive test result be issued this will close a bubble and not the whole school. 


    The staff were very saddened tonight at the realisation that our class bubbles - that we have worked so hard to keep separate have been compromised. At least eight families, and children from every class, were seen tonight socialising on the field, climbing frame and MUGA. Children were in close contact with each other, key stage 1 children and key stage 2 children were on the large climbing frame (which is only used by classes 3 and 4 on rotation) and more than six were in a group.


    We appreciate that you have been through difficult times and that you have made many sacrifices. Sadly the hard work is not over yet. Please remain thoughtful, and respect the government laws as well as the expectations of our school community - as outlined on the home/school agreement. 

  • Parking Issues

    Mon 14 Sep 2020

    This morning we have received a number of complaints about parking around school, in particular cars parked on the pavement on the corner of Belvoir Crescent. Some of the parking seen is inconsiderate,and some is illegal.


    Your careless parking puts the lives of the children in our care in danger. Please think of every child as you would your own when choosing where to park around school.


    We are fortunate to have available parking outside church and at The Unicorn. Please utilise these car parks and avoid parking on corners, opposite the white lines and across driveways.


    Should this issue persist, we will take direct action by publishing the details of the cars that have parked in this way on the website.

  • Track and Trace

    Mon 07 Sep 2020

    We are doubtless going to have children and staff who display symptoms of possible Covid-19 as we bring staff and children back together as well entering into the autumn season of coughs and colds. There is some confusion over who is then affected this. Please refer to the flow chart I have created to get a good understanding of this.



    You can also play your part in this process. The number of people who need to engage in the Track and Trace procedure is greatly reduced if you keep your social contact to a minimum. Contacts only need to be traced if you have been under 2m away from them and for longer than a 15 minute period. The Nottinghamshire Director for Public Health has implored parents to adhere to guidance about entering and leaving school sites swiftly. We have been impressed with the way in which you have followed these new rules and would remind you not to congregate at the gate when arriving for your time slot - either staying in your car until the gates are opened or simply setting out later from home. 


    We thank you, again, for your continued co-operation.

  • Welcome Back!

    Tue 01 Sep 2020

    Staff have had a busy day familiarising themselves with plans and risk assessments and setting up school in readiness for learning.


    I thought it would be helpful to send a few reminders before tomorrow:


    * Refer to the plan on the website to ensure you understand the way that school has been organised and set up to mitigate viral spread.


    * Do not send your child with a PE kit tomorrow. We have discussed this as a staff today and more information will follow.


    * Arrive promptly in the morning at your allotted time and again at home time, entering via the main school gate and leaving the school grounds via the gate next to the kitchen.


    We are really looking forward to welcoming you all back to school tomorrow and can't wait to start the new school year.


